The Serendipity Coach

For Transformation & Success!

Services I offer

  • Coaching packages
  • Energetic Clearing -- Emotion Code (including Heartwalls), Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT)
  • ​AO Scan to restore your optimal wellbeing 
  • Healy Microcurrent for energetic healing and aura resonance scans/reports
  • Green Laser remote sessions to energetically alleviate pain and restore balance
  • Tarot Card Readings
  • Young Living Essential Oils and related products
  • Melaluca memberships

I began my coaching journey in September 2012 with a rigorous, year-long coaching curriculum and certification program at the Co-Active Training Institute.  Since September 2014, I have been working with both men and women, entrepreneurs and C-suite professionals.  

If you want to effect massive change in your life, you will want to invest in coaching and make it part of your success regimen!

Coaching Packages

  1. Foundation  (6 Months) -- Want to experience coaching? The Foundation Package gets you going with a two-hour Goal Setting/Orientation session and then continues with five x 60-minute coaching sessions. -- $950
  2. Readiness  (6 Months) -- For those who REALLY want to get things going in a powerful way, this package is for you.  Includes a two-hour Goal Setting/Orientation session and 11 x 60-minute coaching sessions.  -- $1850
  3. Implementation (1 year) -- For the movers and shakers who have a HUGE goal and want to make it happen within the next 12 months, this is for you.  It's the Readiness Package with 23 x 90-minute sessions.  -- $4800
  4. Maintenance (6 Months) -- For those seasoned coaching clients who want to keep the momentum and stay on top of their game, 12 x 60 minute sessions. -- $1600​

* All packages to be used within 12 months; Implementation packages expire within 18 months after activation.

Energetic Clearing
Sometimes the lemons that life throws to us, result in the best lemonade.  A major life-change lead me in the direction of energy work.  I began as a client in the Emotion Code and ended up getting certified as a practitioner.  Opening up to new opportunities lead me to Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) and then Reiki.  I've taken many other courses since the beginning of my journey trying to quench the thirst of knowledge.  Recently, I purchased a Healy microcurrent device as well as an AO Scanner.  I like to bring in these modalities and devices into my coaching but if you're just interested in the energy work, that's fabulous!

If you are wondering how you could possibly bring them into your own healing journey, here are some ideas:

  • Clearing blocks/self-limitations/fears from your present life, past lives and ancestral
  • Eliminating blocks to abundance and prosperity
  • Identifying food sensitivities
  • Getting to the root cause of an issue and clear self-limiting beliefs
  • Identifying and blowing up a hidden heart wall to attract more love in your life
  • Improve relationships at home or at work
  • Get ready to tackle major change such as a new job or a move out of state/province


  1. One-sies -- Just need a tune-up or a quick clearing!  Nothing to see here! -- $150for one session
  2. Fiver  -- Things are more complicated.  You need more than one session and you want a discount!  -- $650 for 5 sessions
  3. Ten-Spot -- For those peeps who know they have work to do and want a discount as well! -- $1200 for 10 sessions
  4. Freebie -- Who said that you can't get anything for free?  Just refer a friend who purchases a Fiver and BOOM!  You just scored a free session! -- $0

* All packages to be used within 12 months.

Energetic Healing, Tarot, and Essential Oils and Meluca... and MORE!

Interested in buying or becoming a distributor for Young Living essential oils?  I can help you get started!  Just ask!

When the pandemic hit, I was interested in another source to purchase products outside of the traditional stores.  Melaluca is a great place to shop for products that have a focus on wellness.  It's like shopping at Costco but the products are delivered to your door!   I can get you signed up to create another source in your own supply chain!

Other Services

  1. Tarot -- I've been fascinated with the Tarot since I was young.  With the cards, I provide guidance to you based on your concern or issue -- $111/hour
  2. Green Laser  -- Want some remote healing to alleviate pain?  Try out a Green Laser session to remove the pain and all the background noise cause by blocks, emotions and different timelines.  I will include SRT with this healing to ensure we clear all the issues  -- $150/session
  3. Healy Aura or Resonance Analysis -- Oh, this is so cool.  I can use my Healy microcurrent device to conduct remote energetic healing as well as do scans.   Check out the Healy website for more information: 

    a.  Energetic Healing -- The purpose of the Healy is to create balance and coherence, thus promoting general wellbeing. This is achieved through bioenergetic frequencies of low amplitude (microcurrent) and global application to influence the Information Field of the body and develop towards greater coherence towards the intended focus.  

    b.  Aura Analysis -- This service provides you a report on the current state of your aura.  You can purchase the Aura Analysis report alone or have me run a correction to raise the vibration of each charka.  ($50 for the report, $100 for the report and healing).  The Resonance Analysis/Treatment will provide relief in three identified areas.  ($100)
  4. AO Scan -- This amazing device scans the body and voice to identify the optimum frequencies of the cells, tissues, and organs in your body, and restore them to a state of balance, peace, and harmony.  I use the Solex AO Scanner.  Go here to learn more about the science:  ​    -- $111/session

Emergency Sessions/One-Offs

Sometimes, life throws us a curve ball and we need some peace and perspective.  For existing clients only. -- $250/hour

* All packages to be used within 12 months.